We Have FAQs!

We Have FAQs!

Posted on 22. Feb, 2012 by in Best Secrets

In order to better help our readers, we have started a FAQ section. Some of you arrive here through a Google search and don’t realize that we have answered these questions a lot of times. We try to help and try to answer the questions you ask in Comments and Contact Us as soon as we can, but this will help all of us and you can get your answers instantly. 🙂 We will be adding more questions in the next few days and will keep updating, so stay tuned and bookmark the page. There is a link at the very top of the page, and also in the sidebar. Let us know what you think. Does this help?

495 Responses to “We Have FAQs!”

  1. sab

    30. May, 2012

    4th days into the cleanse…had a doubt….can i use for cooking white vinegar or tamarid juice?…is it good to use?…

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      31. May, 2012

      @ Sab,
      The vinegar is fine. No juice on the 24 Day Challenge. Just use fresh fruit (or unsweetened frozen fruit).

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  2. Michelle

    30. May, 2012

    I read online that I can use taco seasoning during the first 10 days of the cleanse. Is this correct? also, same goes for marinara sauce?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      31. May, 2012

      For best results, I would avoid the taco seasoning as they are usually high in sodium and have added sugar. Marinara sauce can also have added sugar.

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  3. Annie K

    29. May, 2012

    I’m on day 2 of the ten day cleanse and not noticing any changes, actually feeling a little backed up. Wondering if this is normal and how long I can expect it to last?

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  4. amanda

    28. May, 2012

    It is my first day on the cleanse. I know I am allowed to eat fruits .. does that include watermellon?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      28. May, 2012

      @ Amanda,
      You can have some watermelon, but best to rely on berries, apples, canteloupe, oranges, etc. for the bulk of your fruit.

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  5. H M

    22. May, 2012

    I’m on day 4 of Phase II and I feel terrible. I’ve been staying on plan and eating the recommended foods at the recommended time, but since I started with the MNS packets, my stomach hurts and I am slightly nauseous all the time. Since ginger ale and saltines are both on the “forbidden” food list, what do you suggest I do? I’m having a really hard time forcing down the snacks since eggs and nuts aren’t exactly the foods people want when they have a stomach ache. I’m more than halfway through and I want to stay with the challenge to the end, so any advice to feel better would be very welcome.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      23. May, 2012

      @ H M,
      Seems unusual if you are taking the correct packet at the correct time (on empty stomach or with food as indicated). Look at the checklist here and review these instructions. You can send us an email with exactly what you are eating, drinking and taking. Include the time, and the amounts.

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  6. Zachariah

    15. May, 2012

    can you have seafood on the 10 day cleanse?

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  7. Karen

    15. May, 2012

    I just ordered the 10-day Herbal Cleanse Kit and was not aware that the Spark energy drink was necessary as well. Can I do the cleanse without it? I may have to, because of monetary issues; is this dangerous? I was very excited for the cleanse so I hope I still can! Thank you

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      16. May, 2012

      @ Karen,
      It will be much easier and more effective to do it with the Spark. Your other choice is water.

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  8. Renee

    09. May, 2012

    I have a wheat and dairy intolerance. Started the 24 day challenge’ on day 5′ yesterday and today I am so bloated and uncomfortable, what should I do?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      10. May, 2012

      @ Renee,
      On the cleanse we totally eliminate dairy and wheat.

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  9. Christina

    05. May, 2012

    hi! I have just started the second phase of the 24 day challenge.. it has been 3 days now.. i wasn’t sure if it was the shake or the pills.. but looks like its the pills.. i am very very nauseous… i feel full.. but way too full.. i am really not wanting to eat at all… Anything I can do about this?

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  10. Augusta

    03. May, 2012

    I’m so confused ~ On the instructions I got it said you do mean replacement shakes on days 1-10 also and above you said they don’t start until day 11…Please tell me where I can find EXACT step by step directions for the whole 24 days..I want to do this right

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      07. May, 2012

      @ Augusta,
      Some groups use the shakes during the cleanse. Our team does not since we are eliminating dairy. We start on Day 11.

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  11. Iris

    03. May, 2012

    Ok, I know everyones scenerio is different but from your experience do you find people loosing more weight during the clease or Step 2 of the 24 Day Challenge? I have been following the instructions very carefully and have not even had the urge to stray & also been doing exercise daily, and I actually have seen some weight loss but just wanted to have an idea what to expect after the cleanse. Thanks!!

    Reply to this comment
    • advojunkie

      21. May, 2012

      The cleanse helps with the weight loss, after the first 10 days, its all about the burn!! Tons of inches melt off!

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  12. Brittany

    03. May, 2012

    Is it ok to do the 24 day challenge while taking a b12 shot every week? I have low b12 levels and trying to get them back to normal. I have been taking shots for the past 2 weeks already but have to continue them for another 8 weeks. Will this affect my weight loss results in any way? Do you recommend waiting until I am done with cycle of shots? Any advice is greatly appreciated! 🙂 I’m really excited to start the challenge!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      03. May, 2012

      @ Brittany,
      Should not be a problem, but check with your doctor.

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  13. Cheryl

    02. May, 2012

    Why no balsamic vinegar? That is the only kind I found in the salad spritzer.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      02. May, 2012

      @ Cheryl,
      It may be fine for you, but it does have sugar so can impact.

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  14. Jennifer

    01. May, 2012

    Ok…I am on Day 16 of the 24 Day Challenge. I have not weighed myself in fear of only losing like 5 lbs. I have been on plan EXACTLY this whole time but am getting sick and tired of the same foods over and over agian so today I grabbed some All Natural Jif peanut butter from the store. I stick with the 2 tablespoons. I just feel like I am cheating cause it was the only “natural” peanut butter I could find. Says it has 3 grams of sugar per serving. Is this bad? I haven’t had soda, coffee, dairy or any processed foods you could possibly imagine or red meats. It’s been chicken breast and gound turkey so far for my protein. Tonight I am doing chicken skewers!!!! So, I guess I want to know if I am doing things right to achieve maximum results??

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  15. Pam

    30. Apr, 2012

    I have jsut started – day 1. My favorite morning fruit is grapefruit. I know that grapefruit can have negative interactions with many prescription drugs, does grapefruit have any negative results when eaten EVERY monring on Advocare? Should i cut out the grapefruit?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      03. May, 2012

      @ Pam,
      Grapefruit is okay on cleanse. Starting on Day 11, you will be having the Meal Replacement Shake for breakfast.

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  16. Lisaa

    29. Apr, 2012

    I don’t see any suggestions for breakfast on phase one. Is it okay to have the meal replacement shake? Fruit? Not sure what to have for breakfast…..

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      03. May, 2012

      @ Lisaa,
      The instructions and info on what to eat are here. Meal Replacement shakes start on day 11.

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  17. christina

    29. Apr, 2012

    Im on day 8 and I wanted to know if Im the only one whos experienced bloating? I know i have to drink lots of water, which I have maybe not as much as I should bc Im on such a tight schedule and eating healthy has required me to take out alot of time to cook the healthy foods so I dont have the time to even remember to drink. Many people see at least small results within the first ten days and I feel nothin but bloated. Ive eaten well tho, no dairy whatsoever, or bread, sweets nothing. Ive been pretty faithful.

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  18. rena p

    29. Apr, 2012

    also ive added ponzu sauce to my salad today is that ok?
    soy sayce rice vinigar and lemon juice

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  19. rena p

    29. Apr, 2012

    its my 4th day in and ive only lost 2 pounds? is that bad most peiple lose more

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      29. Apr, 2012

      @ Rena,
      Everyone loses at different amount. It depends on how much you have to lose, how strictly you adhere to the instructions, and your body makeup (some people have a faster metabolism).

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  20. Iris

    27. Apr, 2012

    Can I have Brown Rice during the cleanse??

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      28. Apr, 2012

      @ Iris,
      Small portion as your complex carb as long as you are losing.

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  21. maria

    25. Apr, 2012

    iam starting my 24 day challenge today!! but i want to know it this is all natural stuf is to where i might not get hte results that i want but it wont harm me either

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  22. Judy

    22. Apr, 2012

    Can I substitue the breakfast bars for the meal replacement shakes during the 24 day challange, after the cleanse? If not, why not?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      22. Apr, 2012

      @ Judy,
      For best results stick to the shakes so you can get your true results. After the 24 Days, feel free to use the bars.

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  23. Lorie

    18. Apr, 2012

    I am on day 9 of the cleanse and am feeling a little light headed. Also, my elimination has dropped dramatically and is very little. What should I do in both of these cases? I drink lots of water and keep track of the amount – over 1 gallon a day.

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  24. Dana

    16. Apr, 2012

    Can you use peanut butter or other nut butters for a protein?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      16. Apr, 2012

      @ Dana.
      Natural only with no sugar added and restrict to 2 tablespoons as a snack.

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    12. Apr, 2012


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    • Healthy Girl

      12. Apr, 2012

      @ Cadillacking23,
      You can add 1 slice of whole wheat bread if it does not stall you. Count it as your complex carb. Best to avoid deli meat. Many are very high in sodium and some contain sugar.

      Reply to this comment
  26. CLynne

    11. Apr, 2012

    Can I use Splenda’s brown sugar? I also read in the 24 day challenge cookbook that you can have whole wheat tortillas . . . Should I wait till after the cleanse to have whole wheat?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Apr, 2012

      For best results limit the amount of Splenda. No wheat products on the cleanse.

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  27. sharla trimble

    10. Apr, 2012

    Why not balsalmic vinegar? that’s what I have been using with Flax seed oil for dressing.

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  28. Alyssa

    05. Apr, 2012

    I finished the 24 day program and it’s been about 2 weeks. I loved it! I’m really wanting to do the 10 day cleanse again. How long should I wait before doing it again?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      08. Apr, 2012

      @ Alyssa,
      You can do the cleanse every 90 days, and many of us stay on the 14 Day MNS plan regularly for more loss or maintenance.

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  29. Lulu

    04. Apr, 2012

    Is it recommended to wait to take thermoplus after the 24DC or can it be taken during along with the catalyst??

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      04. Apr, 2012

      @ Lulu
      You can start your Thermoplus along with the Catalyst after the Cleanse.

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  30. Ashley

    02. Apr, 2012

    5 days into the cleanse, Ive gone back and read more about eating guidelines realizing I havent been strict enough, nor have I lost a pound. Should I restart or continue onward?

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  31. S.Jones

    27. Mar, 2012

    Is there a substitute for the meal replacement shake during the cleanse?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      29. Mar, 2012

      @ S.Jones,
      We don’t use the meal replacement shake during the cleanse. See the instructions for breakfast ideas.

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  32. Misty

    26. Mar, 2012

    How do I know what recipes on the site are suitable for the cleanse phase

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      29. Mar, 2012

      @ Misty,
      Unless it says otherwise, the recipes are good for all phases of the 24 Day Challenge. A few places we mention recipes or meal ideas, but preface with “after the cleanse” or “after the 24 Day”. Just wait for those.

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  33. Tommy

    16. Mar, 2012

    I have a crazy schedule. Monday – Wednesday I work from 6:30 am to 5 pm. Then Wednesday – Friday I work 7 pm – 7 am. Wednesdays are brutal. Anyways, my question is that with the 24 day challenge it looks like there is a hard schedule to follow. Can I change the schedule to match my schedule? If so, can you explain where and when to do that. Thanks

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      18. Mar, 2012

      @ Tommy,
      Just continue on when you would normally eat breakfast lunch and dinner even if at a different time.

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  34. Erica

    15. Mar, 2012

    I’m on the third day of my cleanse. I feel sick and have no energy. What’s can possibly be wrong?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      19. Mar, 2012

      @ Erica,
      Hopefully you are following the directions and eating enough, and drinking Spark and lots of water per the directions. Most feel improved energy.

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  35. DR

    15. Mar, 2012

    Is Splenda okay on the 24 DC?

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  36. Stephanie

    14. Mar, 2012

    Is Advocare Challenge safe while breastfeeding?

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  37. Mandy

    12. Mar, 2012

    Is Crystal Light ok on the 24 DC ??

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  38. Jillybean

    09. Mar, 2012

    What kind of salad dressing do you recommend for a salad?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Mar, 2012

      @ Jillybean,
      Vinegar (not balsamic) and a small amount of olive oil, or Walden Farms.

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  39. Dolly

    01. Mar, 2012

    What can I eat when it says for lunch have a sub or wrap? What type does this mean? If eating out does this apply to subway?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      06. Mar, 2012

      @ Dolly,
      It says low carb. If you are not losing quickly enough, just do the protein with veggies or salad.

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  40. Shea Moran

    26. Feb, 2012

    What should my daily intake be for calorites while I’m doing the 10 Day HerbalCleanse? I am 19 years old and weight 180 lbs.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      27. Feb, 2012

      @ Shea,
      We don’t count calories, just eat the recommended foods and take your supplements.

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