We Have FAQs!

We Have FAQs!

Posted on 22. Feb, 2012 by in Best Secrets

In order to better help our readers, we have started a FAQ section. Some of you arrive here through a Google search and don’t realize that we have answered these questions a lot of times. We try to help and try to answer the questions you ask in Comments and Contact Us as soon as we can, but this will help all of us and you can get your answers instantly. 🙂 We will be adding more questions in the next few days and will keep updating, so stay tuned and bookmark the page. There is a link at the very top of the page, and also in the sidebar. Let us know what you think. Does this help?

495 Responses to “We Have FAQs!”

  1. Jennifer

    02. Nov, 2013

    I’m 3 days into the Max Phase of the challenge and I’m feeling nauseated after lunch, I believe from taking so many supplements/vitamins in such a short time frame. Are there any options for spreading out the pills and still being successful? Thanks for your help!!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      14. Nov, 2013

      @ Jennifer,
      The lunch pills should be taken on empty stomach half hour before lunch.

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  2. Tracey

    30. Oct, 2013

    What is the rule of thumb on the amount of sugar in foods I can eat. For example, I am eating Nature Valley Protein Chewy Bars for a snack. The total sugars are 6grams. Is this too high? What is the daily amount of sugar that is in items like this that can be consumed? For example, today, I had one of the above bars am snack and one for afternoon snack. I also had some peanut butter with an apple that had 4 grams of sugar for a total of 16 grams of sugar today. is that an acceptable amount?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      14. Nov, 2013

      @ Tracey,
      On the cleanse we eliminate sugar and wheat, etc. so no bars. Peanut butter as a snack needs to be natural – no sugar added.

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  3. Heather

    28. Oct, 2013

    Can you take a multi-vitamin during the 10 Day cleanse?

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  4. Brenda

    28. Oct, 2013

    Hi, I will be starting the challenge on Nov 1st. This is the meal plan that I have planned out. Can you please let me know what you think. Of course I will be following all the guidelines, with the fiber drink,water, spark, and vitamins, just the like the plan states.

    Bkfst: 2 hard boiled eggs and 1 c fruit
    Snack: 1 bag of almonds (100 calories or less) or 1 hard boiled egg
    Lunch: Chef salad (romaine or leafy greens), turkey or chicken breast w/vinegar and 2tbs of olive oil
    Snack; cucumbers
    Dinner: 4-6 oz lean meant i.e. Turkey, chicken or venison, vegetables
    Snack: almonds

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  5. Marne

    25. Oct, 2013

    Can you drink carbonated sodas like Sprite Zero while on the 24 day challenge

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  6. Tammie

    24. Oct, 2013

    Tomorrow will be Day 5 of the Cleanse for me. I am SO overwhelmed with all the different and varying information out there. You say not to do the meal replacement shake for breakfast during the cleanse, but the pamphlet I received with the challenge, gives you the option of doing the shake. So, that’s what I’ve been doing every morning. I never have time in the morning to make breakfast. Also, you said no green tea during the cleanse; however, it must have been on a different website where they stated you could have unlimited green tea. One other thing, I am not experiencing the “energy” with the Spark drink and have actually felt pretty crappy first few days of the challenge; stomach cramps, gurgling noises, and very low energy.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      14. Nov, 2013

      @ Tammie,
      Your body is adapting. Drink lots of water. You can have 2-3 Sparks per day.

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  7. Laura

    22. Oct, 2013

    I’m a Allergic to both dairy and eggs can I do the 24day challenge ?

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  8. Melissa

    19. Oct, 2013

    I have read everything I can see for vegetarians… Just a quick question… Since the calorie and carb content are higher while the protein is lower…. Do I weigh the protein amount the same? For example 2 grillers equals 6 oz., but now I am looking at 180 calories and 24 grams carbs. Same goes for tofu… Higher in carbs and calories for weight.

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  9. Cat Wilson

    15. Oct, 2013

    Can I use honey with my oats in Phase 2 of 24 day?

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  10. Nicholle

    30. Sep, 2013

    Today was my first day on the challenge but right after I drank the Fiber, I vomited. What should I do?

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  11. JD

    18. Sep, 2013

    I am scheduled to start the 24 day challenge tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have come down with the flu and started amoxillin a couple of days ago. Is it ok to move forward with the challenge while on the medication?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Oct, 2013

      @ JD,
      You might want to wait a few days until you feel better.

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  12. L

    18. Sep, 2013

    I really want to do the 10 day cleanse again i felt do great. I did it last month and its suggested every 90 days only , why is that?

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  13. Shorty

    10. Sep, 2013

    Nursing and feel like I can’t take anything on the 24 day challenge what’s safe n not I am on day 10 but I modified a lot

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  14. Paisley spence

    08. Sep, 2013

    How often can you do the 24 day challenge??

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Oct, 2013

      @ Paisley,
      The cleanse can be done every 90 days. Just continue with Phase 2 in between.

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  15. Jess

    28. Aug, 2013

    I forgot to take my Herbal cleanse pills last night is it ok to take them in the am?

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  16. Julie

    26. Aug, 2013

    During the cleanse phase, is it ok to substitute a meal replacement shake for breakfast? I find it hard to eat that much early in the morning and I love the shakes. Thanks!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      04. Sep, 2013

      Our team eliminates dairy during the cleanse, so wait until the Max Phase. I love them too!

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  17. jody

    23. Aug, 2013

    can I drink crystal light while on the 24 day challenge??

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    • Healthy Girl

      04. Sep, 2013

      @ Jody,
      For best results, use Spark and plain water or water with lemon.

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  18. Jane

    23. Aug, 2013

    Can you substitute Advocare Bars instead of the Meal Replacement for breakfast?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      04. Sep, 2013

      For best results, wait until after the 24 Day Challenge before substituting the bars.

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  19. Linda ruehs

    16. Aug, 2013

    How does spark and rehydrate affect glycemic load?

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  20. Barbara

    12. Aug, 2013

    Can I take Advil while I am on the 24 day challenge?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      14. Nov, 2013

      @ Barbara,
      Always check with your doc on medical questions, but many over the counter medications are not a problem if they don’t contain sugar.

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  21. Richard

    20. Jul, 2013

    I need help!

    I had a clinic today where lunch was served. I ate what was served which all was not to be ate while in the last day of the cleanse phase. What can I do to get back on schedule?

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  22. Danielle

    20. Jul, 2013

    I’m a vegeterian and I’m struggling with my protien at meal time. I’m not a big fan of tofu or at least i havent learned to prepare it in a appetizing way and you can only eat so many eggs. Any suggestions on getting my protien?

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  23. chris

    18. Jul, 2013

    I accidentally took the dinner drink on day 4 instead of the probiotic restore. .. should I still take those pills?

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  24. Janna

    08. Jul, 2013

    I just started the lean in 13 and was wondering if I could use a post recovery workout shake in place of the muscle gain?


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  25. Amanda

    07. Jul, 2013

    I am on the 3rd day of the second phase of the 24 day challenge and looking ahead to tomorrow d(refuel day), I saw that before bed I was to have one serving of Muscle Gain. Is that the same as one Muscle gain shake? I didn’t buy the canister, only the pouches. Thanks!

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      14. Nov, 2013

      @ Amanda,
      We don’t use Muscle Gain until after the cleanse since our group eliminates dairy during the cleanse.

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  26. Tai

    25. Jun, 2013

    Can I take any advocare products while nursing?

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  27. Jennifer K

    15. Jun, 2013

    I am on Day 3. I just realized I took the probiotics at night on day 1 & 2 instead of the herbal cleanse pills!! What do I do?

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  28. Michelle

    13. Jun, 2013

    I have seen information not to use mayo and then I also see info that you can use mayo if its a particular kind. Is that for only phase two and what kinds are ok

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      24. Jun, 2013

      Using a small amount of Hellman’s canola may is okay. Other’s have twice as many calories, more fat, and lots of sugar added. Keep portion size to 1.5 teaspoons for best results.

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  29. marcia

    16. May, 2013

    I am on Day 4 and have followed to the tee— this afternoon I started experieced pain in my stomach… I dont know what to do… I increased my water thinking perhaps it was the toxiins??? I went totally off of coffee and soda (Pepsi) 3 days ago…. but my stomach is doing flips and cramping?

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  30. Ashley

    15. May, 2013

    Can I drink a green tea with honey if it says zero calories from fat but also says 100 calories?? It’s the Arizona green tea, no sugar.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      25. Jun, 2013

      @ Ashley,
      No green tea during the cleanse. No honey or sugar. Stick to Spark and water for best results. You can use herbal tea with no sugar or honey added.

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  31. L

    12. May, 2013

    Can I take Advil while doing the 24 day challenge?

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  32. Nikki

    30. Apr, 2013

    Is it safe to start the 24 day challenge while taking Lexapro?

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  33. Kim

    27. Apr, 2013

    what type of nuts can i eat during the 24 day challenge? i have been eating almonds and i am on my 6th day of the cleanse but need some new options thanks

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      30. Apr, 2013

      @ Kim,
      Raw almonds are suggested. Try hard boiled eggs as a snack. You can also use Muscle Gain in Phase 2 as a great snack.

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  34. jackie

    26. Apr, 2013

    i took my probiotic tablets without taking the fiber for the past 3 days im on day 10 should i take them for the next 3 days and then start phase 2 ?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      30. Apr, 2013

      @ Jackie,
      Just continue on as if you had taken them – start Phase 2.

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  35. Kristen

    21. Apr, 2013

    I messed up and didn’t take my probiotics. I’m now supposed to be starting the mns. Did I mess the whole thing up? What should I do?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      23. Apr, 2013

      @ Kristen,
      Just continue on.

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      • Lyndsey

        30. Apr, 2013

        Hi, I was on Day 3 and became sick and was unable to continue. It’s been 3 weeks and I have the rest of the challenge products and I want to start over. Can I pick up where I left off and still have results or do I need to purchase Phase 1 and start over? I want to do this!!

        Reply to this comment
        • Healthy Girl

          04. May, 2013

          @ Lyndsey,
          IT would be best to do a complete challenge, but you can pick up from there.

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  36. Tarah

    18. Apr, 2013

    I took the MNS colored this morning on accident and took an herbal cleanse packet tonight. Will this affect anything?

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  37. Sande

    18. Apr, 2013

    What seasonings can you use in the cleanses phase? Can you chew sugarless gum?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      19. Apr, 2013

      @ Sande,
      Spices are great. Watch out for high amounts of sodium in some seasonings, and use natural spices. For best results avoid sugarless gum and additional artificial sweeteners.

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  38. Carlton

    11. Apr, 2013

    Can you do the 24 day cleanse while taking antibiotics?

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  39. Kayla

    29. Mar, 2013

    Hi I was wondering if I could do the 24 day challenge while im nursing. My baby is currently 7 weeks old.

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  40. Cait

    26. Mar, 2013

    The chart I received was cut off and I didn’t see that I was supposed to be taking the herbal cleanse tablets at night. Should I start taking them on the second part of the cleanse? I’m on day 10.

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