We Have FAQs!

We Have FAQs!

Posted on 22. Feb, 2012 by in Best Secrets

In order to better help our readers, we have started a FAQ section. Some of you arrive here through a Google search and don’t realize that we have answered these questions a lot of times. We try to help and try to answer the questions you ask in Comments and Contact Us as soon as we can, but this will help all of us and you can get your answers instantly. 🙂 We will be adding more questions in the next few days and will keep updating, so stay tuned and bookmark the page. There is a link at the very top of the page, and also in the sidebar. Let us know what you think. Does this help?

495 Responses to “We Have FAQs!”

  1. brittany

    05. Jul, 2014

    Can I do another cleanse (yes, I know Advocare says 90 days) but whats the harm in doing it before 90 days. Today would be day 50 from my first one.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      06. Aug, 2014

      @ Brittany,
      Just continue using Phase 2. The doctors advise cleansing only every 90 days.

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  2. Caroline

    03. Jul, 2014

    I am on day 1 and above you wrote no bread during cleanse phase, but whole grain is listed under complex carb choices on the app.

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  3. Ashley

    15. Jun, 2014

    I am on day 7 of the cleanse and I just realized that I have been drinking the fiber drink days 4-6 when I wasn’t supposed to. I didn’t drink it today though, what should i do?

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  4. Kristan

    12. Jun, 2014

    Can I do the another 10 day cleanse a month after I do one?

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  5. Monica

    10. Apr, 2014


    Is it okay to take Aleve while on the Advocare program. Today is my 24th day. I can find anyone commenting on it.


    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      15. Apr, 2014

      Check with your doctor about any medications.

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  6. Elizabeth

    06. Apr, 2014

    After reading this I realize I messed up , a friend forwarded me meal suggestions which included a whole grain pasta meal … I ate this the first night , how detrimental could this be ?

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  7. Taylor

    23. Mar, 2014

    Can you take testosterone orally while using advocare?

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  8. Brandi

    13. Mar, 2014

    Can I take a multivitamin while on the cleanse and/or phase 2?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      15. Apr, 2014

      @ Brandi,
      you will not need to, the vitamins are in your MNS pack.

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  9. Laura

    09. Mar, 2014

    How many omega pill should you take and when?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      15. Apr, 2014

      @ Laura,
      You can take 4-6 a day. During Phase 2, 2 pills are already in your strip pack.

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  10. Danielle

    09. Mar, 2014

    Should I be taking the catalyst 3x a day, and how many should I be taking each time.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      15. Apr, 2014

      @ Danielle,
      3 capsules twice a day on empty stomach, preferably before breakfast and before lunch.

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  11. Lindsey

    07. Mar, 2014

    I read you should take 3 catalyst before breakfast and then 3 before lunch. I only have 1 bottle so I wouldnt have enough to do that for the 24 days. What should I do.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      07. Mar, 2014

      @ Lindsey,
      Adding another bottle would be ideal. Otherwise, you will have to take 3 capsules once per day.

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  12. Laura

    07. Mar, 2014

    Can you have peanut butter on the cleanse? I keep seeing so much about almond butter but nothing about peanut butter anywhere?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      07. Mar, 2014

      @ Laura,
      Natural peanut butter with no sugar added only. Limit to 2 level tablespoons.

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  13. karm

    06. Mar, 2014

    if i wanted to have a decaf green tea can i use honey with it?

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  14. Joan

    05. Mar, 2014

    What if I can’t drink the meal replacement drinks?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      07. Mar, 2014

      @ Joan,
      You can continue with hard boiled eggs and fruit for breakfast. Why cant you drink them?

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  15. Lindsey

    04. Mar, 2014

    During the first phase do you always have to have a complex carb with breakfast?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      04. Mar, 2014

      @ Lindsey,
      For best results, use fruit and hard boiled eggs.

      Reply to this comment
      • Lindsey

        04. Mar, 2014

        Should I have a complex carb during lunch and dinner then? Or just have it once during the day? In the meal plan is said during breakfast and lunch and optional at dinner.

        Reply to this comment
        • Healthy Girl

          04. Mar, 2014

          @ Lindsey,
          Once per day unless you are losing too quickly.

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  16. Shawn

    27. Feb, 2014

    Can I start a antibiotic , I’m on day 13, doc said he’s not familiar with advocare

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  17. Mike

    25. Feb, 2014

    Good morning.
    Are dill pickles ok to eat on this plan?
    how about peanut butter?
    Having a tuff time with lunch ideas – without buying a bunch of new foods.
    Thank you

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      04. Mar, 2014

      @ Mike,
      Would stay away from pickles during 24 Day Challenge. Natural peanut butter with no sugar added is okay as snack if you continue to lose. Lunch ideas are here.

      Reply to this comment
  18. Angie

    04. Feb, 2014

    Can we use avocado oil during the cleanse phase? Or should I just stick to broths and no calorie olive oil sprays? Also, are mushrooms ok?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Feb, 2014

      @ Angie,
      Small amount of olive oil or PAM. No broth. Mushrooms are okay.

      Reply to this comment
  19. Abbey

    25. Jan, 2014

    Does the 24 day bundle include everything you need for 24 days or do you need to buy additional products to complete the challenge as plan is written? From what I see you only get 1 box of 14 count shakes which does not seem like enough for 24 day.

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  20. Tom

    23. Jan, 2014

    I bought an MNS MAX E from a distributor and there is black dots on two of the pills in all the packages???? is this safe

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Feb, 2014

      @ Tom,
      Check the BB (best by date). Contact your distributor.

      Reply to this comment
  21. Jodi

    22. Jan, 2014

    Can I start advocare while on an antibiotic

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  22. Val

    21. Jan, 2014

    I just started the cleanse today. The person I bought the products from indicated I should drink a shake every morning. I see you indicate that you shouldn’t do the shakes until after the cleanse. The shake is mixed with water. Is this OK?

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  23. ibo

    19. Jan, 2014


    I have a bunch of the Advocare MNS Max 3 packets. but the BB date is 04/13. Is it still ok to take them?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Feb, 2014

      That is Best By, not an expiration date. Discard if they don’t look fresh.

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  24. Au'shalyn

    10. Jan, 2014

    I have problems swallowing pills. Is it ok if I chew my herbal cleanse pills?

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  25. Mandy

    09. Jan, 2014

    I’m confused about what I am supposed to eat for breakfast for days 1-10 because I have seen 2 different eating plans. One eating plan says to have a piece or bowl of fruit for breakfast and then 3 eggs, oatmeal , or fruit for mid or ing snack. While another eating plan has said to have a protein, carb, fruit or veggie for breakfast and then a protein, healthy fat, fruit or veggies for snack. I just don’t know which eating plan to follow.

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  26. Michelle

    09. Jan, 2014

    Can organic brown rice pasta be eaten as a complex carb?

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  27. alejandra

    07. Jan, 2014

    Can I eat whole wheat bread while doing the cleanse?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      12. Feb, 2014

      @ Alejandra,
      No bread on the cleanse (no wheat at all).

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  28. jennifer

    06. Jan, 2014

    I’ve had my advocare for 10 months now and just started taking it the best buy date is 10/13 is it still good to take??

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  29. Michelle

    06. Jan, 2014

    Is sweet potato ok to eat on the cleanse?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      06. Jan, 2014

      @ Michelle,
      1/2 sweet potato(baked without butter) as complex carb is fine.

      Reply to this comment
  30. tiffany

    06. Jan, 2014

    I have had a terrible headache for the past 4 1/2 hours. i have already drank more than 100 oz. of water and am eating pretty often. I don’t feel hungry but this headache will NOT go away. Can I take ibuprofin?

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  31. Katie

    04. Jan, 2014

    I am a graduate student and take generic adderall on a daily basis (amphetamine salt)- is this ok to take during the cleanse phase of 24-day challenge? I would cut out the Spark as they are both stimulants.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      05. Jan, 2014

      @ Katie,
      Please check with your physician.

      Reply to this comment
    • Julie

      03. Mar, 2014

      Im not a doctor. But I was on adderall for ADD for 8 years and got off it during my 24 day challenge. I havent had it since. The spark is amazing. Of course check with your doctor, but just my experience. I have been adderall free for 18 months!!!

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  32. Cari

    09. Dec, 2013

    what foods can you have on phase 2?

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  33. Rebekkah

    02. Dec, 2013

    My cleanse box only came with 6 herbal an probiotic. How will this effect me?

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  34. Rod

    25. Nov, 2013

    I have 2 advocare products that expired in August of this year. The herbal cleanse and the mns max 3 shake.

    Are these still ok to take or should I discard them?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      25. Nov, 2013

      The date is “best by” so for the freshest, would be good to stay close to the date, but many products are good well after.

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  35. allison

    22. Nov, 2013

    Can you drink Detox Green Tea during any part of the 24 days?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      24. Nov, 2013

      @ Allison,
      For best results, the only tea advised is decaf.

      Reply to this comment
  36. Kim

    19. Nov, 2013

    Does Advocare help lower your blood pressure? I have heard this from a few distributors.

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      20. Nov, 2013

      @ Kim,
      Advocare does not make medical claims. I can talk to my own personal results. Healthier Advocare eating plan, lost weight and exercise helped me lower my blood pressure.

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  37. Phyllis

    10. Nov, 2013

    I had started the 10 day cleanse and now have a terrible cold. Is it okay to continue the cleanse while taking cold meds or wait until I’m better?

    Reply to this comment
    • Healthy Girl

      14. Nov, 2013

      @ PHyllis,
      Look at ingredients in over the counter cold meds. Many cough syrup contains a high amount of sugar.

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  38. erin

    10. Nov, 2013

    If I took the fiber cleanse on days 4 and 5 instead of the probiotics, what should I do?

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  39. Amanda

    05. Nov, 2013

    What products are vegan friendly? How can I modify the 24 day challenge to be completely vegan friendly?

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  40. Mandy

    02. Nov, 2013

    I take Xanax as needed for anxiety -is it ok to take with advocare? I’m on day 2 of the cleanse – please advise!!

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