Archive for 'General Info'

Complex Carbs and Your Healthy Way of Life

Complex Carbs and Your Healthy Way of Life

Posted on01. Jun, 2017 by .


We receive lots of questions about complex carbs, so we will try to simplify things for you.

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Tricks of the Trade: Hunger Savers

Tricks of the Trade: Hunger Savers

Posted on10. Apr, 2017 by .


Here is a great tip that only takes 10 minutes to prepare.

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Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Healthy Meal Plan Suggestions

Posted on01. Aug, 2016 by .

Here are some meal suggestions that work for the 24 Day Challenge.

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Biggest Clean Eating Mistakes

Biggest Clean Eating Mistakes

Posted on10. Jan, 2015 by .


The biggest 24 Day Challenge mistakes and how to avoid them.

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Eating Out On Advocare 24 Day – Tip 2

Eating Out On Advocare 24 Day – Tip 2

Posted on13. Sep, 2013 by .


How can you survive going out to eat on Advocare 24 Day Challenge? Here is Tip #2.

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Getting Ready for the Holidays

Getting Ready for the Holidays

Posted on28. Oct, 2012 by .


Perhaps you packed on a few pounds, and you are wondering what you are going to wear…

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Advocare Lunch Ideas

Advocare Lunch Ideas

Posted on29. Apr, 2012 by .


Here are some ideas that work well all through the 24 Day Challenge plus some ideas for when you finish your challenge.

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Surviving Super Bowl Sunday

Surviving Super Bowl Sunday

Posted on03. Feb, 2012 by .


Ditch the pizza and wings: Advocare tips to survive Super Bowl parties.

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Advocare: After the 24 days

Advocare: After the 24 days

Posted on28. Nov, 2010 by .


Wondering what you should do after you finish your 24 Day Advocare Program?

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Advocare 24 Day While Traveling

Advocare 24 Day While Traveling

Posted on24. Oct, 2010 by .


Follow this advice and you will be one step closer to achieving your Advocare goals.

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Eating Out On Advocare 24 Day – Tip 1

Eating Out On Advocare 24 Day – Tip 1

Posted on24. Aug, 2010 by .


My favorite restaurant meal that works even during the cleanse is…

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Magic Weapon

Magic Weapon

Posted on05. Jun, 2010 by .


Ever since I started my first 14 Day MNS program, I have really enjoyed my meal replacement shakes for breakfast, but now…

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Just in Time for Summer

Just in Time for Summer

Posted on16. May, 2010 by .


Get lean and tone up!  Get great energy!  You will love the 24 day Challenge!  Contact me for more information.

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