Magic Weapon

Magic Weapon

Posted on 05. Jun, 2010 by in Best Secrets, Food Finds, General Info

Ever since I started my first 14 Day MNS program, I have really enjoyed my meal replacement shakes for breakfast.  I like all three flavors and find that I am very satisfied and ready to start my day.  The amount of protein really helps me be on my game.  A couple of months ago, Sara’s husband, Jim, told me how much he loves the shakes and that he uses a Magic Bullet.  I was feeling very “old school” for using my plastic shaker!  Of course after he was raving about it, I had to get one right away.  This set is the one I got (with free shipping), and has multiple mugs and assorted accessories.  It is amazing!  With the Magic Bullet there was virtually no cleanup since there are enough containers that you can put them in the dishwasher.  With this tiny little appliance, you instantly have something that tastes like a soda fountain drink.  I put in 8 ounces of water, some crushed ice and the meal replacement shake mix.  This picture is my shake this morning.  It is a vanilla flavor with 1/4 cup of frozen blueberries.  Try a berry or chocolate with some frozen strawberries added, or use other frozen fruit.  Just be sure that you are using all fruit and there is no sugar added.  If you think I loved my shakes before, now I adore them.  🙂

23 Responses to “Magic Weapon”

  1. robert bonilla

    21. Sep, 2015

    Can we drink Clamato Juice while doing the first pase

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  2. Tonya

    16. Feb, 2014

    Today is the first day of the cleanse. Can I eat whole grain bread, pasta, etc. during the cleanse phase?
    May I have agave for sweetener during cleanse?

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  3. Casey

    09. Jun, 2013

    I thought we were not supposed to mix in fruit muscle gain or meal replacement shakes. It says that on my food portion chart guidelines for the diet. Im confused. I would love to start that! Im on my second day of the diet and was mixing fruit before starting the diet.

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    • Healthy Girl

      24. Jun, 2013

      @ Casey,
      Our team avoids dairy during the cleanse and we use them in Phase 2.

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  4. Coach

    31. Jan, 2013

    I know we are not supposed to drink fruit juices because of the high fructose syrup. But, V8 Splash has come out with a DIET fruit juice in Tropical Blend. It only has 10 calories, 3 carbs, 2 sugars, and no high frutose syrup. Okay to use this in fruit smoothies in my bullet? I’m done with my cleanse. (Lost 11 pounds!)

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    • Healthy Girl

      04. Feb, 2013

      @ Coach,
      Use the meal replacement shakes. Skip the juice. You can add some frozen fruit (no sugar added) if you are continuing to lose well.

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  5. […] Did you try this yet?  Tell us what you think!  Be sure to try our other combinations. […]

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  6. Jenna

    28. Jul, 2012

    Can I have the shake for lunch instead of breakfast??

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  7. […] Meal Replacement Shake – Once I started using these in Phase 2, I was hooked.  I look forward to these every day.  Originally I was hooked on Chocolate, then Berry, and now solid favorite is Vanilla.  Once I got most of my weight off, I started adding frozen fruit as described in this post. […]

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  8. Coach

    28. May, 2012

    You can’t beat the Magic Bullet. I use it for everything. Cut up mango, papaya, strawberries, and anything else. Keep them in the freezer. Pick out whatever flavors you want and make your own smoothie. That’s how I get alot of my fruit intake. Great after a workout!

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  9. Jen

    17. Apr, 2012

    Question….can you have more than one meal replacement shake! I LOVE having mine at breakfast, but was wondering if on days where I’m just short on time I can have one at lunch and breakfast? I’ve tried the bars and just don’t like them! Thanks!

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    • Lori

      04. May, 2012

      Hi there – did you ever get the answer to this question? I love my shakes! Can we have more than one shake a day?

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      • Healthy Girl

        07. May, 2012

        Hi Jen and Lori,
        You will have enough shakes for 1 per day on phase 2. You could also have one for lunch if you have enough, but I wouldn’t add anything else that contained carb. If this stalls you, avoid. After the 24 Days you can also try the Meal Replacement bar (my fave).

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    • Dani

      14. Nov, 2014

      Can you have a meal replacement shake for dinner instead of breakfast or lunch? I find that I don’t get very hungry in the evening so a shake is filling enough.

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      • Healthy Girl

        07. Jan, 2015

        @ Dani,
        During Phase 2 your meal replacement should be at breakfast.

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  10. […] blueberries.  We blend these with the vanilla meal replacement shake and 9 ounces of water using a Magic Bullet.  This is breakfast!   Comes out really thick and filling.  This is really helpful for those […]

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  11. Cyndee

    22. Sep, 2011

    I just can’t wait to start, today is the day!!!! I wanna be on this success story board!!!!

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  12. Imct55

    01. Nov, 2010

    I simply add a spark packet into the replacement shake makes an awesome smoothy

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  13. Kathy LaDuke3

    17. Oct, 2010

    Frozen strawberries and the chocolate meal replacement shake, yummo……The new mint coffee drink with the vanilla shake is a great combo too……..

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  14. Healthy Girl

    08. Jun, 2010

    Today’s shake was vanilla with sliced frozen peaches. Absolutely the best! Plan to try with Muscle Gain also.

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  15. John

    06. Jun, 2010

    Sounds like you REALLY like those Meal Replacement Shakes. I too am a big fan. Can’t wait to get one of those Magic Weapons and see how they work. You’re the best, Healthy Girl!

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